Henrietta’s Thistleberry Boots

A story about adjustment, patience, courage, and resilience

Illustration by Marcy Tippmann

Illustration by Marcy Tippmann

“What an adorable (and timely) book! With simple words, charming pictures, and a relatable story, author Laura Kirby and illustrator Marcy Tippmann address many of the challenges children  around the world are facing today. From how to adapt to a changing routine, to the distressing realization that parents don’t have all the answers, to the need to come to terms with uncomfortable changes required to stay healthy. This book will immediately strike a chord with children and parents who have lived through the global pandemic, and will continue to resonate long after it has passed.”

Eli R. Lebowitz, Associate Professor in the Yale Child Study Center, Director of the Program for Anxiety Disorders and author of Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD: A Scientifically Proven Program for Parents